PTEREDACTALE – Red IPA 5L Mini Keg (5.0%)


5 Litre Minikeg (8.8 Pints)

Our 5% Red IPA returns after almost 9 years away – led by a hop bill that delivers a beautiful strawberry led gentle bitterness, backed up with a caramel led malt finish.

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SKU: P5L932 Category:

5 Litre Minikeg (8.8 Pints)

Our 5% Red IPA returns after almost 9 years away – led by a big hop bill that delivers a beautiful strawberry led aroma and gentle bitterness, backed up with a gorgeous caramel led malt finish.

In some respects a Red IPA has similar characteristics to a regular IPA. It should be big on flavour with a fruity aroma and balanced bitterness. But a Red IPA has a far more complex malt base that brings sweet notes that when combined with the big hop charge infer strawberry and other RIPE berry fruits.


Gluten (Wheat)

Unfiltered / Unfined?




Storage Temp

Below 5C

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